Aspiring Teachers Deserve Time with a Mentor Before Going It Alone
Failure is fundamental to improvement in any job. Teaching is no exception: teachers need to be able to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. It is for this reason that, prior to the outset of their careers, most aspiring teachers experience some sort of on-the-job mentorship by an experienced teacher. Ideally, through monitored practice teaching, aspiring teachers can try out techniques, receive immediate feedback and quickly address weaknesses, with a seasoned veteran making sure that all this happens under the supervision of watchful eyes.
Too often, however, the mentoring that teacher candidates receive prior to full-time teaching is infrequent and inadequate. This week, two House education subcommittees will consider ways that Congress can upgrade educator preparation programs to ensure teacher candidates get a chance to practice their craft alongside successful veterans...
The full text of this commentary can be found on The Hill website >>