Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Center (CEEDAR)
The Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) Center’s primary objective is to partner with states to provide opportunities to learn for teachers and leaders.
The Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) Center’s primary objective is to partner with states to provide opportunities to learn for teachers and leaders. AIR works collaboratively and intensively alongside partners within 20 states over the course of the grant cycle.
Based at the University of Florida, the Center’s mission is to provide frontline assistance to state education agencies, institutions of higher education, and local education agencies. The goal is to advance policy and practice that results in aligned professional learning systems that attract, develop, support, and retain high quality educators with the competencies to provide core and specialized instruction to ensure all students, including students with disabilities, exit school college and career ready.
States work to revise, as necessary, teacher and leader preparation programs to ensure their graduates are prepared to use evidence-based practices in integrated ways to help students with disabilities reach college- and career-readiness standards. States also work to develop an aligned policy context that supports these preparation reform efforts by focusing on several key policy levers, including licensure standards and processes for certification, program approval requirements, and improved strategies for evaluating educator preparation programs.