College and Career Readiness

Readiness for postsecondary training and education is critical for students’ future success and ability to access career opportunities. High school graduation rates have increased, yet evidence suggests that students are not ready for postsecondary education and training that is required to obtain a job with a living wage.

Solutions to this challenge require support for secondary schools to build and implement evidence-based interventions and supports and to engage cross-sector stakeholders (e.g., education, workforce, industry) to create policy environments that support career and college readiness and opportunity for all students.

Our Work

AIR recognizes this challenge and applies its substantial expertise in building school, district, and state capacity and conducting research and evaluation studies to offer clients customized strategies that support college and career readiness efforts.

Specifically, AIR has a track record of working with education and workforce leaders at the state, district, and school levels to refine policies and practices so that students graduate on time with the academic, technical, employability skills they need to be successful in postsecondary education and the workplace.

Our team of content experts, researchers, evaluators, and educators provide expertise in best practices and policy in areas including postsecondary readiness, career and technical education, work-based learning, career pathways, competency-based education, high school graduation early warning systems, early college high school, dual enrollment, dropout prevention, and postsecondary transformation.

Susan Therriault Headshot
Managing Researcher
Jennifer Scala
Principal Researcher and Practice Area Director
Garry Davis
Senior TA Consultant