Dominique Bradley
Dominique Bradley is a senior researcher at AIR and partnership facilitator for the Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest (REL Midwest). She serves as the qualitative research lead for evaluations of the Community Schools Initiative and Sustainable Community Schools for Chicago Public Schools and the Community Partnership Schools Initiative with the University of Central Florida. Dr. Bradley’s research in the community school initiatives focuses on the implementation practices of schools and how implementation of these initiatives can support better outcomes for students, families, and schools. She has contributed to knowledge in the field of community schools by developing theories of key components of implementation to support shared vision, collective leadership, and robust and meaningful evaluation for continuous improvement.
Dr. Bradley also serves as a partnership facilitator, researcher, and technical assistance trainer for the REL Midwest. In this role she serves as a project lead and provides technical assistance to help stakeholders better understand and use data and research methods, the use of improvement science and research-practice partnerships to improve educational practice, and how to conduct research to share policy and practice. She also serves as researcher and project director on several federally and privately funded grants.
Dr. Bradley serves as the co-lead for a qualitative methods resource group internal to AIR. As co-lead she supports AIR qualitative projects with qualitative research design, best practices, and ensuring that equity and inclusion considerations are addressed in qualitative work. She has over 12 years experience in education research and project management. Her areas of expertise are in implementation evaluations; qualitative research methods; developing and supporting networked improvement communities; supporting and evaluating research-practice partnerships; implementation science; and teacher retention, preparation, and support.
Ph.D. and M.A., Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin-Madison; B.A., Sociology, Southern Oregon University