Fuchs Tutoring: Professional Learning
Fuchs Tutoring at the American Institutes for Research is a suite of professional learning services designed to help educators implement high-quality, effective tutoring and intervention programs in schools.
In addition to direct training services to districts and schools, we offer interactive professional learning institutes that help educators learn, practice, and begin implementing evidence-based programs designed by the Fuchs Research Group at Vanderbilt University. Institute participants have access to an online community of experts and educators to support their implementation of the programs. All institute participants receive certificates of attendance that can be used for professional development and continuing education credits.
The materials are well organized and easy-to-use—they are great for classroom teachers!
– Training participant reflecting on Math PALS program
We currently offer professional learning on the following Fuchs Research Group programs:
- Math Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS), a classwide peer tutoring program focused on number concepts, application, and procedures in grades K-6.
- Reading PALS, a classwide peer tutoring program focused on phonological awareness, decoding and word recognition at grades K-1 and on reading fluency and reading comprehension at grades K – High School.
- Pirate Math, a systematic structured tutoring model for building number knowledge, arithmetic skill, and word-problem solving among students in Grades 1-3.
- Super Solvers, a systematic, structured tutoring program designed to promote knowledge of fractions.
Professional Learning Institutes
Registration is now open for two of our 2023 interactive Fuchs Tutoring training institutes. Planned 2023 institutes include: Math PALS Grades K&1, Pirate Math, Super Solvers, Reading PALS Grades K&1, Reading PALS Grades 2-6, and Math PALS Grades 2-6. All institutes take place virtually and are led by our expert AIR trainers. All registered participants will have access to an online community of experts and educators to support program implementation after the institute.