Georgia College and Career Pathways: Employability Skills Task Force Recommendations
Some employers call it work ethic; some call it soft skills, and others call it employability skills. Regardless of the term used, employers have a need for young workers with these skills. According to Georgia’s business and industry representatives, the number one reason potential candidates are hired is the same reason employees are fired—soft skills.
Over time Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) educators have implemented initiatives to improve work ethic; but the lack of soft skills problem is bigger than high school CTAE students. To address the problem, the Georgia Employability Skills Task Force was formed. The Southeast Comprehensive Center (SECC) assisted the Georgia Department of Education through technical expertise and support to the CTAE staff in the implementation of the department's career pathways. Also, SECC and the College & Career Readiness & Success Center supported the implementation of employability skills and quality work-based learning opportunities for all students.
The task force crafted three overarching recommendations and eight goals to address the main challenges in ensuring opportunities for every student to develop the skills needed to be successful in careers and life. For each of the goals, the group also drafted implementation strategies for key stakeholders. Listed below are Employability Skills Profiles that have been developed by Georgia educators as examples of projects or lessons that demonstrate how to implement identified recommendations.
Recommendation 1
Integrate employability skills into curriculum and learning experiences from prekindergarten through postsecondary education.
- High-Demand Occupation Rally and Company Visits
- Project/Play-Based Learning Venture
- Business Creation Competition
- Career Technical Student Organization Rally and College and Career Fair
- Fannin Youth Initiative
- Lunch and Learn
- Mock Interview Day
- Summer STEM Internship Program
Recommendation 2
Support educators and other stakeholders in developing employability skills instruction.
Recommendation 3
Develop deeper and stronger relationships between industry and education to enhance student, teacher, and mentor roles in quality work-based learning and career development opportunities.