Health Cost, Coverage, and Access

Each year, the United States spends roughly $4 trillion on healthcare across public and private payers, including Medicare, Medicaid, employer-sponsored coverage and the federal and state Health Insurance Marketplaces. Keeping high-quality care accessible and affordable is a priority as the nation continues to shift toward value-based provider payments that reward quality and improved outcomes rather than higher volume.

Our Work

AIR’s research and evaluations analyze trends in cost, coverage and access to care. We evaluate innovative payment models, focusing on key quality, cost, and health outcomes, and translate findings into implications for consumers, providers, policymakers, purchasers, and payers. Our technical assistance to government, providers, payers, and community organizations helps ensure successful implementation of new payment systems and programs.

Our innovative research and technical assistance projects include enrollee satisfaction surveys for Health Insurance Marketplaces for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and providing technical, analytical, policy, and operational support to the CMS Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) to support the evaluation, review, and maintenance of qualified health plans to be certified for participation on

Timothy Hill
Vice President
Brandy Farrar
Managing Director