High-Stakes Test Development Project

AIR has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with a confidential client to support a high-stakes, nationally administered, standardized exam. The exam consists of multiple-choice items that are presented as either stand-alone discrete items or associated with a stimulus passage that cover multiple test sections and content disciplines.

AIR is primarily responsible for supporting the annual development of operational forms, including item and passage development, form assembly and publishing, field testing, and psychometric review of items. In addition to our responsibilities in support of the annual administration of the exam, we annually develop test preparation materials, including practice tests, diagnostic tests, and practice item banks. Other services include conducting content validation studies, providing technical support for exam content revisions, developing accommodated versions of exams (including versions in Braille and JAWS), providing support to the client during vendor transitions, and other special studies as requested.

Image of Christina Curnow
Managing Director, Human Capital Solutions