Impact Evaluation of the Integrated Skills Training Program for Disadvantaged Youth and Adolescents in Lebanon

Young Training Chef

The Integrated Skills Training Programme for Disadvantaged Adolescents and Youth in Lebanon (TVET) aims to provide vocational and competence-based training to both Lebanese and refugee youth, increase their access to employment and income generating activities, and enhance their personal and life skills. The program focuses on young people who are currently unemployed and out of formal education. It also looks for opportunities to promote social cohesion among youth of different backgrounds and nationalities.  

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) contracted AIR to conduct an impact evaluation of TVET, funded by the German bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). AIR is using a mixed-methods evaluation to identify opportunities to improve implementation and increase program effectiveness. The evaluation consists of a baseline, midline, and endline evaluation that will assess differences between beneficiaries and a randomized comparison group of Lebanese and refugee youth in Lebanon. Evaluations will also include perspectives of key stakeholders to examine the sustainability of the program beyond international support.