Integrating Employability Skills: A Framework for All Educators
As students strive to meet the demands of the 21st century, they are increasingly expected to master employability skills in addition to traditional academic skills. Integrating Employability Skills: A Framework for All Educators is a Professional Learning Module (PLM) created to support regional comprehensive centers, state educational agency staff, and state regional centers in building their knowledge and capacity to integrate and prioritize employability skills at the state and local levels.
This interactive module—a collection of PowerPoint slides, handouts, sample agenda, a workbook and tools for individuals or state workgroups, and a facilitator’s guide—provides the following activities:
- Introduces participants to the Employability Skills Framework and explains why it is important for all students
- Connects employability skills with other education initiatives
- Provides tools and strategies to prioritize employability skills at the state, employer, district, and individual teacher levels
The module builds from the Employability Skills Framework, developed by RTI International and the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education at the U.S. Department of Education.