Jack Jordan

Principal Researcher

Jack Jordan is a principal researcher in the Health Division at AIR. His primary responsibilities include leading the analytics support for the Convergence HQIC contract including designing the process to deliver data to stakeholders in dashboards, perform analysis to find leverage points, and use that data to advise Convergence HQIC improvement advisors on strategy. Jordan also supports contracts to deliver partially adjudicated claims data to accountable care organizations and direct contracting entities at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Jordan has extensive experience in patient safety improvement, managing production of analytics and measure development both in health care delivery systems and the policy arena. He served four years on the NQF measure application partnership that over sees recommendations to CMS on quality measures. This gives him first-hand understanding of both achieving results on measures in a hospital setting and on healthcare measure development and policy work to track hospital performance to programs.

Previously, Jordan was director of performance excellence and quality at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI, where he was responsible for producing quality and patient safety results in a Malcom Baldrige-winning hospital. From 2011-2013 he served as the deputy director of the Partnership for Patients program at CMS.

Jack Jordan

M.S., Applied Statistics, Oakland University; M.S., Mathematics, Michigan State University; B.S., Mathematics, University of Iowa
