Kyle Esdaille
Kyle Esdaille is a Principal Researcher in the Health Division at AIR. He currently works on projects that incorporate health equity into healthcare access. Dr. Esdaille is a solution focused health professional with a sincere passion for improving quality of care and access to care. He has experience in healthcare consulting, health insurance, health IT, healthcare operations, customer service, and population health management. Prior to joining AIR, he has worked at the Washington D.C. Health Benefit Exchange Authority implementing the Affordable Care Act in the small group market; at The Lewin group supporting the federal health exchange and state-based exchanges; and at CareFirst BlueCross Blue Shield as a consultant in the Patient Centered Medical Home program working with primary care providers to improve quality of care and reduce cost.
Dr. Esdaille also has a research background working with communities in Baltimore on environmental justice issues such as pesticide exposure, integrated pest management, and indoor air quality. In addition, he has experience working on overweight and obesity community based participatory research projects within communities. Dr. Esdaille is also currently an adjunct faculty member at Morgan State University School of Community Health and Policy.
DrPH and MPH, Public Heath, Morgan State University; BSc., Biology, Morgan State University