Lisa B. Hsin

Senior Researcher

Lisa B. Hsin is a developmental scientist and senior researcher at AIR, where she develops and contributes to a range of education research and technical assistance projects. Her major areas of focus include English learners, language and literacy learning, and impact variation.

Currently, Dr. Hsin leads and contributes to analysis, design, and writing and dissemination activities for projects on literacy interventions and early childhood education for dual-language learners, as well as federally funded evaluation studies. She also provides research and technical assistance support as a member of the REL Southwest team and consults on several research synthesis projects. Dr. Hsin has over a decade of experience conducting research on bilingual language development, and prior to joining AIR she designed and led mixed-methods and quantitative analyses for an experimental study of an adolescent literacy intervention funded by IES.

Dr. Hsin regularly presents at national conferences on child development, language, and education, and her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals across disciplines, including Reading and Writing, Discourse Processes, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, and Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. She is a member of the founding editorial board of Language Development Research: An Open-Science Journal.

Image of Lisa Hsin

Ph.D. and M.A., Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University; A.B., Spanish (Linguistics minor), Georgetown University
