Margaret (Peggy) Clements

Senior Researcher

Margaret (Peggy) Clements is a senior researcher at AIR. Drawing on her training in developmental psychology, community psychology, and quantitative research methods, she investigates the effective and equitable use of educational technology to support teaching and learning. In her work, Dr. Clements emphasizes building deep working relationships among policymakers, practitioners, and researchers and developing rigorous studies that respond to the highest priority needs of educators.

Dr. Clements was the lead researcher for the Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest’s Virtual Education Research Alliance from its inception in 2012 through 2015, overseeing multiple collaborative research and technical assistance projects exploring K–12 online learning. She has served as principal investigator or co-principal investigator on multiple, large-scale, rigorous studies, including the Institute of Education Sciences (IES)–funded studies Access to Algebra I: The Effects of Online Mathematics for Grade 8 Students, for which she led all implementation research activities, and An Examination of the Impact of Big Math for Little Kids on Pre-K and Kindergarten Students’ Learning of Math. Other recent work includes Playing with Data, a National Science Foundation (NSF)–funded study that examined how to support middle school science teachers in their interpretation and use of digital, game-based formative assessment data to enhance student learning, and Eliciting Mathematics Misconceptions, an IES–funded project to develop a cognitive diagnostic assessment system for middle-grade rational number topics.

Prior to joining AIR, Dr. Clements was a senior research scientist at Education Development Center (EDC). In addition to leading her own studies, while at EDC she served as the supervising quantitative research methodologist on several large-scale, rigorous studies, including the IES–funded summative impact study for Possible Worlds: A National Research and Development Center on Instructional Technology, and Advancing Biology Education for Online Professional Development, an NSF–funded study that examined the impact of an online professional development course on teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge.

Ph.D. and M.A., Psychology, New York University, Psychology; A.B., Women’s Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University
