Marshal Conley

Senior TA Consultant

Marshal Conley is a senior technical assistance consultant at AIR. His current work focuses on policy, practice, and knowledge utilization related to digital and blended learning and integration of learning technologies with instructional practice for learners of all ages. Conley is also an expert in the design, implementation, and facilitation virtual communities of practice and Networked Improvement Communities. He is the Communities of Practice Task lead for the Office of State Support’s State Support Network, overseeing the design and development of communities of practice to deliver technical assistance to states and districts related to implementation of provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act. Through REL Southwest, he provides coaching support to the Oklahoma State Department of Education on improvement science and implementation considerations for NICs.  He currently serves as state liaison for Iowa and Michigan through REL Midwest connecting stakeholders with resources and generating new project ideas. In 2017 and 2018, Conley provided strategic consulting and subject matter expertise to aid the state of Iowa in the development of a statewide Digital Learning Plan through the Midwest Comprehensive Center. As part of REL Midwest, he also facilitated and provided subject matter expertise for a Networked Improvement Community focused on integration of technology with instruction for a group of schools within an Area Education Agency in north central Iowa.

Between 2010 and 2016, Conley served in leadership roles on a series of projects with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology, starting as Deputy Project Director for Connected Educators and Connected Educator Month from 2010 to 2014, Project Director for Future Ready Leaders from 2014 to 2017, and Senior Outreach Advisor for 2016 National Educational Technology Plan. In these roles, Conley provided leadership and content expertise related to personalize professional learning and implementation of innovative instructional practices, including personalized learning.

Previously, he worked as project director and community manager for the Intel® Engage online community. He is senior advisor for the National Science Foundation cooperative agreement to develop and manage the CS for All Teachers online community of practice for high school computer science educators. Additionally, Conley has worked with districts and schools to design and deliver professional learning around technology driven educational data and data-informed decision making.

Before joining AIR, Conley worked for consulting firm Accenture Learning managing the design and development of E-Learning courses for corporate training curricula. Prior to that, he served as a high school English teacher and program coordinator for at-risk student populations at Indian Plains Alternative High School, in Indian Prairie CUSD 204 serving Naperville, Aurora, and Bolingbrook, Illinois. He is licensed and certified to teach secondary English Arts in Iowa (grades 7-12) and Illinois (grades 9-12) and possesses and Illinois Type 75 School Administrator certificate, and he is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) via the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Marshal Conley

Ms.Ed., Education Leadership and Administration, Northern Illinois University; B.A., English and Secondary Teacher Licensure Program, University of Iowa
