

Displaying 646 - 660 of 733
AIR developed a survey to assess the quality of surgical care from the perspective of patients for the American College of Surgeons.
AIR and MDRC, along with three small-business subcontractors, designed a randomized field trial to examine the impact of professional development ...
Established by AIR nearly 20 years ago, the Center for Special Education Finance (CSEF) has assisted the federal government and ...
AIR has helped develop the National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS). In the fourth phase of support, AIR is ...
Aviation industry professionals, including airline dispatchers and pilots, rely upon information management systems, tools, and equipment to perform their daily ...
The purpose of the five-year Preschool Research and Technical Assistance Project for the David and Lucile Packard Foundation has been ...
The National Longitudinal Study of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) is a four-year longitudinal evaluation of ...
One of the four pillars of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act is “Proven Methods” or, in other words, ...
AIR is investigating the large-scale implementation of research-based comprehensive school reform models as a strategy for increasing student achievement. Using ...
The 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) is a comprehensive measure that includes education and work histories, personal characteristics, ...
Soft skills training must work equally well for all youths regardless of their employment barriers, including youths with disabilities
AIR developed an organizational climate survey for the Army Medical Command that served as a tool for enhancing the effectiveness ...
The U.S. Army identified the retention of qualified personnel as a key component of its personnel management strategy, and therefore ...
Corruption in higher education casts a shadow on many countries that are working towards more modern and progressive political and ...
In 2004, NSF contracted with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to conduct a short-term study to assess program impact ...