Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds

Managing Researcher

Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds is a managing researcher at the AIR in Washington, DC, where she serves as the co-director of the National Center on Intensive Intervention, and as project director for an Investing in Innovation and Improvement (i3) Development Grant. She previously coordinated services for the Response to Intervention Center at AIR and led the Knowledge Utilization service area of the National Center on Systemic Improvement.

Prior to AIR, Dr. Zumeta Edmonds worked for the Washington State Department of Special Education providing technical assistance to support RTI and alternate assessment implementation. She also worked on randomized controlled trials of elementary mathematics interventions at Vanderbilt University, and has extensive experience presenting to researcher, policymaker, and practitioner audiences. She has co-authored several papers, chapters, and essays on RTI, mathematics intervention, special education policy, implementation, and progress monitoring assessment. In addition, she taught special education in public and private lab schools in the Seattle area.

Image of Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds

Ph.D., Special Education (concentration in quantitative research methods), Vanderbilt University; M.Ed., Special Education, University of Washington; B.A., Psychology and Politics, Whitman College
