Research vs. Conventional Wisdom: Teachers and Teacher Labor Markets
Research findings about teachers and teacher labor markets sometimes seem to defy conventional wisdom. Dan Goldhaber, director of CALDER at the American Institutes for Research and the Center for Education Data & Research at the University of Washington, explores common assumptions in three Education Week guest blog posts.
Research vs. Conventional Wisdom I: Teacher Attrition
Do we really lose about half of new teachers within their first five years of teaching?
Research vs. Conventional Wisdom II: Teacher Jobs Lost During the Great Recession
Did budget cuts after the 2008 downturn cost hundreds of thousands of teachers their jobs? Was Education Secretary Arne Duncan correct when he said that the nation was flirting with an "education catastrophe"?
Research vs. Conventional Wisdom III: Competition for Teacher Labor
Are states really competing for teachers, causing teachers to cross state lines for better jobs?