So Jung Park
So Jung Park is a researcher at AIR with expertise in policy and program evaluation in K-12 education, particularly aimed at improving principal leadership and teacher capacity for disadvantaged students’ learning. Her methodological expertise includes the design of experimental and quasi-experimental studies for causal analysis, the specification of school-effect models, and the longitudinal growth modeling.
Since joining AIR, Dr. Park has served as the quantitative task leader and project director for several state- and nation-wide research and evaluation projects based on experimental and quasi-experimental designs, including the Building Assets Reducing Risks (BARR) program evaluation, the National Board Certified Teachers evaluation, the Realizing Internationals Supports for English language learners (RISE) program, the Escubriendo La Lectura program, the Wraparound Zones initiative evaluation, the College Summit program evaluation, the Whole Child Network program evaluation, and the Regional Education Laboratory Southwest Texas Hispanic STEM Alliance.
Ph.D., Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.S., Education Policy, University of Pennsylvania; B.A., Education, Korea University