Transitioning English Language Learners (TELL)

More than 40 percent of the 1.8 million adults served by the national adult education program are English language learners (ELLs). Often, these learners begin with English as a second language classes and then transition to adult basic or adult secondary programming to further their academic skills.

In 2008–2011, AIR staff conducted an examination of the policies and instructional and programmatic strategies that support the successful transition of advanced ELLs into advanced educational programming that prepares them for postsecondary education and the 21st century workplace. Our work included an environmental scan to identify promising practices, and a study of 10 local programs to identify practices in Transitioning English Language Learners (TELL). The study identified models for transitioning ELLs and implications for programming that included recommendations for curriculum and instruction, program design and evaluation, professional development and teacher training, and state and local policy.

Image of Larry Condelli
Institute Fellow and Managing Researcher